Bible Places in Egypt (A-Z)

Bodrum, Castle of St. Peter


Selected Biblical Sites in Egypt 

Correlating many sites in Egypt with the Bible is simply beyond our grasp. Here are some that have been generally agreed upon by scholars in Bible and Egyptology.


  • Alexandria

    • Modern Name: Alexandria

    • Reference: Acts 18:24 (Paul's companions from Alexandria)

  • Arsinoë

    • Modern Name: Arsinoe (modern Suez)

    • Reference: (Ezekiel 29:10 refers to the border area of Egypt, possibly related to Arsinoë)


  • Baal Zephon

    • Modern Name: Jebel el-Teqeh (near modern Suez)

    • Reference: Exodus 14:2, 9 (Israelites encamped by the Red Sea)


  • Daphne

    • Modern Name: Tell Defenneh

    • Reference: Jeremiah 43:7 (refugees went to Egypt)


  • Goshen

    • Modern Name: Wadi Tumilat

    • Reference: Genesis 45:10, 47:6 (dwelling place of Israelites in Egypt)


  • Heliopolis

    • Modern Name: Ayn Shams (Cairo)

    • Reference: Genesis 41:45, Isaiah 19:18 (Joseph’s marriage; prophetic judgment)

  • Heracleopolis

    • Modern Name: Ihnasiyyah al-Madinah

    • Reference: Isaiah 19:18 (city mentioned in prophecy)


  • Memphis

    • Modern Name: Mit Rahina

    • Reference: Isaiah 19:13, Jeremiah 46:19 (prophetic judgments)

  • Migdol

    • Modern Name: Tell el-Her

    • Reference: Exodus 14:2, Jeremiah 44:1 (Israelites’ camp location, place of prophecy)


  • Noph (Memphis)

    • Modern Name: Mit Rahina

    • Reference: Isaiah 19:13, Jeremiah 44:1 (prophetic judgments)


  • On (Heliopolis)

    • Modern Name: Ayn Shams

    • Reference: Genesis 41:45, 50 (Joseph’s father-in-law was the priest of On)


  • Pathros

    • Modern Name: Upper Egypt (Thebes area)

    • Reference: Isaiah 11:11, Ezekiel 29:14 (prophetic references to Egypt)

  • Pithom

    • Modern Name: Tell el-Retaba

    • Reference: Exodus 1:11 (one of the storage cities built by Israelites)


  • Raamses

    • Modern Name: Qantir (near modern Faqus)

    • Reference: Exodus 1:11, Genesis 47:11 (city built by Israelites, also area of Joseph’s settlement)


  • Sinai Peninsula

    • Modern Name: Sinai Peninsula

    • Reference: Exodus 19-20 (location of Mount Sinai where Moses received the Ten Commandments)


  • Tahpanhes

    • Modern Name: Tell Defenneh

    • Reference: Jeremiah 2:16, 43:7-9 (refugees and prophecy about Egypt)

  • Tanis (Zoan)

    • Modern Name: San el-Hagar

    • Reference: Numbers 13:22, Isaiah 19:11 (city founded seven years before Hebron)


  • Zoan (Tanis)

    • Modern Name: San el-Hagar

    • Reference: Numbers 13:22, Isaiah 19:11 (city of Pharaoh’s residence)

  • Zorah

    • Modern Name: Jebel el-Qalaa

    • Reference: (Located in Egypt, though sometimes identified with an area in Canaan; Judges 13:2)

Each location ties back to significant events or references in the biblical narrative, providing a geographical context to the stories and prophecies within the Bible.